Course of touch typing
Welcome to the intensive touch typing course

To learn to type without looking at the keyboard, you just need to follow two simple rules and take some time to practice

rule #1: Your fingers should "Memorize" the starting position. You can find out what this is mean by pressing
rule #2: Do not look at the keyboard under any circumstances

The starting position — is the position all of your fingers on the keyboard should occupy. Look at your keyboard and find the "F" and "J" keys. If you look closely, you will find bulges on them. They're specially designed for those of us who want to learn how to type blind. So when you find those bulges you have to put your index fingers on them - this will be the starting position for them (they must always return to those keys). Place the rest of your fingers as shown in the keyboard example below. You should also mentally divide the keyboard into two zones: for the right and left hand respectively. Each hand will work with its own zone.

Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Delete !1 @2 #3 $4 %5 ^6 &7 *8 (9 )0 _- += Backspace ~` Q W E R T Y U I O P {[ }] |\ CapsLock A S D F G H J K L :; Enter Shift ?/ >. <, M N B V C X Z Ctrl Fn Alt Alt Ctrl - - Й Ц У К Е Н Г Ш Щ З Х Ъ /\ Ф Ы В А П Р О Л Д Ж Э Я Ч С М И Т Ь Б Ю « ; : ? ,. Ё Right Left